Today is Sunday, 22nd December 2024

Archive for November, 2009

Mommy Cat With Bunny Baby


To combat Naota’s recent cat video posts, I have decided to post one of my own. This one is with a cat mothering a baby bunny. How cute!

Tyra Goes Crazy on ANTM (America’s New Top Model) – Funny Video


Here is another funny video about Tyra going crazy on someone at America’s New Top Model. They do a real good job pretending to be here, the wording and everything is great…. not that I watch that show. *cough*

*Edit* It appears that the NFL has taken down every copy of this video so none are on Youtube… Sorry guys!

Man Marries Video Game Character


This was sent to me by Wrathie, who is pretending to be AFK from Geek Montage, but we all know that he’s really Mr.Bot-a-cus. Anyway, recently a Japanese man married a video game character. Will they be happy together? Will a virus or dusty Nintendo DS cartridge be the end of it!? Who knows. What we DO know though is that the video game character is a female from the sim dating game Love Plus. This means she’s up for grabs to anyone who owns it and there’s nothing that be done about it!

Acer Timeline Laptop Review


Due to your requests, I will be conducting a review of the Acer Timeline after finishing my review of the SR590. Stay tuned for that and much much more. Happy holidays. Depending on which Timeline model I can get my hands on, I will let you know. 😉 I am working to get a couple.

What other kinds of reviews are you all interested in? Just let me know and I shall do my best to meet your request.

Single, Huh?


Ouch! What a wench!

(Warning: 1 curse word near the end. Cover your ears!)


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