Home / TV Reviews Vizio XVT553SV Vizio M320NV Vizio E320VL
TV Reviews Vizio XVT553SV Vizio M320NV Vizio E320VL
Last Updated on Thursday, 30 December 2010 10:59 Written by Naota Sunday, 26 December 2010 03:42

We will be reviewing the following three Vizio TVs soon. Please, if one in particular interests you more than another, then let us know in the comments section. The three TVs we are reviewing are:
- Review of the Vizio XVT553SV 55″ 1080P LED TV
- Review of the Vizio M320NV Razor 32″ 1080p LED TV
- Review of the Vizio E320VL 32″ 720P LCD TV
Happy Holidays
Sale info fro VBT553SV
This entry was posted on Sunday, December 26th, 2010 at 3:42 PM and is filed under News.
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Recently bought the Vizio M320NV and am experiencing horrible lag with the PS3. I am wondering if this is curable so I am interested to find out the results of your review.
Hi Matt. We have no PS3 to test it on (my buddy broke mine so I am psp-less.) Try running your ps3 in 720p if you can. I’ll keep that in mind though while writing the review. Have you tried any other consoles?
I have3 not tried any other consoles. Since the native resolution for the M320NV is 1080p, wouldn’t running the game in 720p not help, or would it help b/c the game outputs in 720p? I just wish it had a game mode. I’ll wait for the review and see if you guys have the same problem on a 360 or other console.