Today is Tuesday, 18th February 2025

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Game Fixes (Crashing, Lagging, Launch Failure, etc)

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Game FixesCall of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is finally out! Though the release date was today, it was sold early at some places by accident like Kmart and stolen in mass quantities in places like France.

Those lucky people got to play it ahead of time. Whether you preordered it, downloaded it from the Steam client, etc — you’ll be satisfied when playing it after a couple rounds of slaying your friends in multiplayer!

It is available on Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 PCs, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 (PS3) consoles. It’s even available on the Nintendo Wii and DS handheld.

Though our guide is lacking right now, we will update this as we learn more game fixes for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 crashes, freezes, controller issues, failures to launch / black screen, etc.

If you know any solutions for game problems that we don’t, please let us know! This first person shooter (FPS) deserves to be played perfectly.


Call of Duty MW3 Matchmaking Does Not Work

Can’t join any matches? No worries — you are not alone. The servers are being swamped right now since the game was just released. The servers are simply overloaded. This will begin to die down as the game loses its initial buzz. Be patient until then or try again a bit later (joining during off hours has an increased rate of success).



This error message has been occurring for people who reach level 7 and unlock the Clan Tag capability in the Call Sign Menu. For whatever reason, people cannot enter a lot of different tags. This isn’t happening to everyone, but it is currently unknown as to why you it is happening to only some. While I recommend being careful with your word choice since certain words are denied automatically, it may deny even words or gibberish text that is fine. This will likely be fixed soon though so be patient. It may even be related to the servers being swamped again.


Elite Founder Status / Subscription Code No Longer Available / Invalid

Do NOT contact the Activision / Infinity Ward / Sledgehammer Games / Treyarch teams. Wait a couple of days and try again. Do not wait until the 13th though if you have the Hardened Edition, as it does expire.


Double EXP / XP Points From Mountain Dew

Have Mountain Dew or Game Fuel? You are promised extra points — double in fact — once it is applied to your XBL gamertag. After following the instructions on the case of Mountain Dew you may notice that you are NOT getting double the amount of experience! BOOO! People have reported calling the hotline and having their informaton taken down so that they can be given the points, but as of right now I have not confirmed if this works. Regardless, be sure to enter your code on the rankedup website.


Graphics Textures Messed Up

Do your textures look like they are low quality, ugly, glitched, fuzzy, etc? There’s a fix for that. Under ADVANCED options select “NATIVE” for image quality. A patch will come out eventually to help solve the actual problem, but this works until then.


Can’t Get Online

If you cannot get online, then try the following.

— Disable your firewall
— Delete/rename ClientRegistry.blob and then restart your Steam client
— Enabled the “dedicated server” option
— Ensure your router is allowing the game to connect (putting it in game mode helps)

Apparently there are many problems with Orange Broadband and Netgear routers. If this is the case for you then update to the NEWEST FIRMWARE! Also, for Netgear (these directions are for DGN1000 model in particular, but easily can be applied to other routers) go to your ADSL settings area and set the multiplexing method so that it’s LLC-BASED. Also be sure to set the DSL Mode to ADSL2+. Thanks Chris Hewitt for posting the link!


Call of Duy Modern Warfare 3 Daily Challenges Not Working

CoD MW3 has been failing to acknowledge when people have done the daily challenge. Kill counts sometimes aren’t recognized, etc. This may be related to the servers being swamped too.


For Mission GOALPOST – “Error Reliable Command Buffer Overflow”

This error is going to be solved soon enough so no worries. You can still beat it though by following the person or to jump in the building that has a broken window (located on the right). If you follow the street, that is when the error is triggered, so avoid it.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Sound Not Working

Is your music / sound / audio messed up for Cod MW3? No problem. The following solutions usually will fix it!

— Those using a multi-speaker setup that is 7.1 or even 5.1 may have success if setting it to 5.1 (if you have a 7.1 configuration) or even to a 2.1
— Lower your Hardware Sound Acceleration and/or Sample Rate Conversion Quality through Start -> Run -> DXDIAG -> DirectX Features (you can also do this in the Control Panel -> Sounds & Audio Devices -> Speaker Settings -> Advanced -> Performance


CoD MW3 Game Ports

Here is the port information for those who must enable ports on their routers, firewalls, etc. or have to forward them. This is good to know if you have the NAT type as strict.
TCP: 3074 and 27014 – 27050
UDP: 3074 and 27000 – 27030


This game fixes guide needs a lot of work still. Please submit any information you may have! Also, feel free to complain about the Lag / Latency Compensation that was implemented in this game…that helps slower internet connections slaughter people with faster internet connections 🙂


  1. Comments  Fix CoD MW3 Errors, Crashes, Multiplayer, Freezing | Geek Montage   |  Tuesday, 08 November 2011 at 10:50 PM

    […] out our guide if you need Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Game Fixes […]

  2. Comments  Chris Hewitt   |  Wednesday, 09 November 2011 at 10:41 AM

    Hey guys I was having the orange broadband netgear router problem.

    The solution to this was posted on the official call of duty forums, not by me

    Here is the link.

    I take no credit for this solution but it worked for me.

  3. Comments  DarkKnightH20   |  Wednesday, 09 November 2011 at 1:38 PM

    Thanks Chris!

  4. Comments  Andreas   |  Thursday, 10 November 2011 at 9:13 AM

    I have an Serious problem here. Everytime i go try to play Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer and i press Play it just goes like “Connecting..” and after a short while it says “Could not connect to the MW3 internet plz come back later” If anyone know a way to fix it plz Answer me on my mail

  5. Comments  Benson08   |  Thursday, 10 November 2011 at 1:01 PM

    Not of my onlines challenges are completing!!! when i kill people it doesnt count towards it, the only 1 thats working is the basic training challenges! this is doing my head in as im stuck with a standard gun, also my perks wont change… eg i changed my death streak from the sprinting 1 to the know where you killer is on the map and it sticks with the sprinter 1 when im in the match!!!

  6. Comments  Andy   |  Thursday, 10 November 2011 at 4:48 PM

    I’m also having the netgear problem but I can’t fix it by changing to LLC-based multiplexing as this disables my access to the internet (also tried changing to “ADSL 2+” rather than “Auto(Multi-mode)”). Any help would be much appreciated.

  7. Comments  wiiisbroke   |  Thursday, 10 November 2011 at 8:55 PM

    Are they going to do anything about the wii ?. it seems like EVERY match is filled iwth hackers and the hit detection with the guns is way off (i have shot full clips at people at point blank range, multiple times and none of the bullets would hit)

  8. Comments  ewqrwerewr   |  Thursday, 10 November 2011 at 8:56 PM

    Are they going to do anything about the wii ?. it seems like EVERY match is filled iwth hackers and the hit detection with the guns is way off (i have shot full clips at people at point blank range, multiple times and none of the bullets would hit) r2r1r4t34

  9. Comments  Ilyes   |  Friday, 11 November 2011 at 5:32 AM

    this is seriously crap! i was level 57 in the multiplayer last night, i went to sleep and wake up the following morning and i was put back at level 45, it like i have never reached level 57, all the points and achievements are gone.. ! it happend not only to me but also to friends of mine.

  10. Comments  Greg   |  Friday, 11 November 2011 at 12:31 PM

    The biggest and most serious problem with this game is the excessive LAG and horrible HIT DETECTION. It is actually worse than Black Ops. As it stands now, this game is unplayable. I’ve already had it with this game.

    Gamers, please do not let Activision and Infinity Ward get away with this. They’ve released a game that is unplayable in multiplayer mode – which is the sole reason most people buy COD games. I’m unloading full clips into people, and not only are they not dying, they’re killing me with one shot (AFTER I’ve unloaded a full clip into them).

    I’m getting mysteriously shot while hiding around corners, then the kill screen shows my opponent actually walking up to me and shooting me in the face. This is ridiculous.

    I believe that Activison and Infinity Ward knew this game wasn’t ready, but they released it anyway. This is not acceptable. I won’t be buying any more COD games, nor any other game from Activision or Infinity Ward. They’ve just screwed their entire fanbase.

  11. Comments  Andreas   |  Friday, 11 November 2011 at 9:02 PM

    Greg, I am experiencing the same garbage. Horrible hit detection, I empty clips into people and, nothing… then they shoot me, I hear 2 bullets and I’m dead. The killcam shows that they saw me, had about a second to aim, then shot 5-6 times. It’s absolutely terrible. If someone sees me, I’m pretty much dead. The only solid kills I get are the ones when someone is running away, or doesn’t spot me at all. If I meet someone in a hallway and shoot at each other, I lose the battle 80% of the time. This game is absolutely terrible, and I can’t believe I talked so much crap about Black Ops, because this game is no better.. and in many ways, worse. It doesn’t help that people are already hacking this game. Complete garbage.

  12. Comments  How to Fix Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 – Game Crash, Freezing, Lag, Textures, Multiplayer –   |  Saturday, 12 November 2011 at 3:41 AM

    […] are some bugs and glitches in it, as well as errors that you may need Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 game fixes for, not to mention there was some general confusion over the […]

  13. Comments  Owen   |  Saturday, 12 November 2011 at 9:50 AM

    I’m experiencing the same type of lag. It seems to slow the whole game down. I’m constantly running around with extreme conditioning and it’s like I haven’t got it. Use a full clip and get killed with 2 bullets. Hopefully they get this fixed. Bad enough getting crap connection from my Internet provider but from the game too takes the piss

  14. Comments  juanpedro   |  Saturday, 12 November 2011 at 9:14 PM

    im having trouble in campaign, in scorched earth, when frost gets in the collapsed vuilding, i loose control of him, and starts moving randomly, does anyone know what to do?

  15. Comments  str8 poopin   |  Sunday, 13 November 2011 at 3:58 AM

    I have played 5 ffa matches winning all 5. After each game I go to look at lobby leader board to look at the others stats and I noticed my kills haven’t changed in 5 games… wtf?

  16. Comments  R turner   |  Sunday, 13 November 2011 at 10:06 AM

    First of all I had only ever played black ops previously and then this game but have noticed it does not make a sound when hitting the enemy with a bullet like black ops did (just so you know you had hit them) but is this due to lagg or is it just that way??? I am playing on ps3

  17. Comments  Strummer101er   |  Sunday, 13 November 2011 at 10:58 PM

    So anyone got a fix for no audio from the center speaker when running in 5.1? I get some echos but dialogue is on the left and right speaker. Surround and center speaker works fine everywhere else but in this game.

  18. Comments  Sam   |  Monday, 14 November 2011 at 11:17 AM

    when i press multiplayer it quits the game !! yesterday when i installed it played ok now cant play multiplayer !

  19. Comments  william   |  Monday, 14 November 2011 at 4:38 PM

    done that stupid clan tag xbox buttons glitch for a laugh and now its totally screwed up my xbox and i cant get games and i cant chaange my clan tag any one know how to fix it

  20. Comments  Tom   |  Tuesday, 15 November 2011 at 6:00 PM

    I can get killed instantly as the opponent comes around a corner. When I watch the kill cam he’s 5,6or 7 steps or more past the corner. WTF, it takes all the fun out of the game.
    What’s up with this?

  21. Comments  Anonymous   |  Tuesday, 15 November 2011 at 10:56 PM

    Strummer101er | Sunday, 13 November 2011 at 10:58 PM
    So anyone got a fix for no audio from the center speaker when running in 5.1? I get some echos but dialogue is on the left and right speaker. Surround and center speaker works fine everywhere else but in this game.

    I HAVE the same problem and cant find a solution,PLS heeelp

  22. Comments  JOgar   |  Sunday, 20 November 2011 at 1:38 PM

    Yeh lag is awful . NAT type open : 160 ms ping . NAT type moderate : 70 ms PING . WTF IS THIS ??? i try to get it back to moderate without any succces though… LAG is awful like always.

  23. Comments  Sogo   |  Wednesday, 30 November 2011 at 2:18 PM

    Im having the same problem with the lag and as well as warping around the map Ill walk forward and around a corner and then all of the sudden i’m warped back to where I started walking this happens every 10 seconds or so…

  24. Comments  NeuroWolf   |  Sunday, 04 December 2011 at 11:18 AM

    My game crasshes when i try to load “black Tuesday” in campaign or “Toxic paradise in spec ops.!
    It loads and about halfway there it crashes and in my task bar i see an app called “Error” I close it and then mw3 crashes
    help please 🙁

  25. Comments  aditya   |  Sunday, 04 December 2011 at 12:11 PM

    i am getting a error in mw3
    couldn’t load image ‘scroll_bar_arrow’
    please help!!!!!!

  26. Comments  Tim   |  Tuesday, 06 December 2011 at 8:42 AM

    I will never play another CoD game in my life

  27. Comments  HAIRYBUNNY   |  Monday, 26 December 2011 at 11:15 PM


  28. Comments  almir   |  Saturday, 25 February 2012 at 7:58 AM

    hello, i have a problem when i i want to shoot there comes no bullets nor no sound, the weapon just jumps upp in the air with a really high recoil and i cant do anything, i tryed to re-install it but i didnt work, if you know what to do please help me 🙁 i cant kill anyone… :'(

  29. Comments  Becky   |  Saturday, 25 February 2012 at 6:38 PM

    I made my own clan and added members but cant use clan tag for some reason

  30. Comments  sib   |  Sunday, 26 February 2012 at 1:28 PM

    People i have problem with i dont know what if it is game or crack,but when i try to load Scorched Earth i get error always and my game closes,did any1 else have similar problems ?

  31. Comments  Shubham Agarwal   |  Monday, 30 April 2012 at 4:48 AM

    I am having a problem in the Mission “GOALPOST”.While playing a GREY BOX appears with the text “ERROR RELIABLE COMMAND BUFFER OVERFLOW”. If anyone knows what to do to fix the problem please help..!!

  32. Comments  Austin   |  Monday, 14 May 2012 at 11:02 AM

    i keep on lagging every time i go on a lot of people are saying its hackers and its been doing this all week

  33. Comments  Craig   |  Friday, 07 September 2012 at 7:25 PM

    I have downloaded DLC3 and DLC4 and now my game won’t load at all i cant get to the main screen or anything

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