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Borderlands 2 Crashes, Freezes, Cannot LAN, Error, Lags, Glitches, Steam Errors

Borderlands 2 Game FixesAlas the sequel to one of the best and most unique FPS RPG games is here. Borderlands 2 offers much of what Borderlands 1 offers, and that includes some crashes and glitches.

*UPDATE:* Can’t launch the game? Does it not open after hitting the play button on the launcher? Have a xapofx1_5.dll error, d3dx9_43.dll file missing, or issues with X3DAudio1_7.dll (or XAudio2_7.dll) files? Then check out our other BORDERLANDS 2 Game Fixes

And for information on the Mechromancer class, which can be obtained through downloadable content (DLC / Addon Pack), check out our post Borderlands 2: How to Get Mechromancer Secret Class. Available on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 (PS3) consoles, as well as Windows PC.

Last Updated: September 18th, 2012
— Added Fixes

Currently connection issues are being worked out. For now you can try disabling your firewall (including the windows ones.)

Borderlands 2 Crashes at 2K Games Logo

This is a very uncommon problem for most. To resolve this issue (you’ll hate this) you must
Step 1. Remove Steam completely
Step 2. Remove Borderlands 2 completely
Step 3. Verify that all Steam and Borderlands files are gone!
Step 4. Update your video card drivers

Step 5. Reboot
Step 6. Reinstall Borderlands 2 and play

Borderlands 2 Has Graphical Glitches

Step 1. Verify that your computer has the latest video card drivers and meets the required settings
Step 2. Update your copy of Borderlands 2 to the latest version
Step 3. Verify your game in Steam
Step 4. Make sure to close unnecessary programs and keep your computer well-cooled

Borderlands 2 VBScript.dll not registered or installed

This is caused when the game does not detect a needed dll file (usually located in your system or system32 folder.

To reregister vbscript.dll perform the following
Step 1. Press windows key+R, type CMD and press enter or go to the start button and type CMD into the search box and click it
Step 2. Type the following based on your OS:
Step 3. Type the following…
For 32-bit Windows:

“%systemroot%system32regsvr32 %systemroot%system32vbscript.dll”

For 64-bit Windows Type :


You should receive a succeeded message if completed correctly.

Step 4. Now play the game!

Borderlands 2 System Requirements

This game isn’t the most demanding one, but it won’t run if you don’t meet this minimum requirements:


Processor: Celeron E1600 Dual-Core 2.4GHz Or
Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4600+
Video Card: GeForce 8500 GT or Radeon HD 2600 XT
Memory: 2 GB
OS: Win Xp 32
Direct X Version: DX 9
HDD Free Space: 20 GB


  1. Comments  Borderlands 2 Crashes, Freezes, Cannot LAN, Error, Lags, Glitches, Steam Errors | Geek Montage   |  Wednesday, 19 September 2012 at 2:03 AM

    […] more here, fix your Borderlands 2 game errors and crashes and join us in Pandora! This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 at 2:03 AM and […]

  2. Comments  Solved: Borderlands 2 Errors: (xapofx1_5.dll, d3dx9_43.dll), Game Not Opening, AND Windows 8 Fix | Geek Montage   |  Monday, 24 September 2012 at 4:53 PM

    […] Go to our other page other Borderlands Game Fixes! […]

  3. Comments  Borderlands 2: How to Get Mechromancer Secret Class | Geek Montage   |  Monday, 24 September 2012 at 4:59 PM

    […] you have errors with the game and want to fix them, check out Borderlands 2 Game Fixes AND our other Borderlands 2 Error and Windows 8 Launch […]

  4. Comments  Game Fixes: Borderlands 2 (Errors, Failure to Launch, Windows 8, etc) |   |  Monday, 24 September 2012 at 10:23 PM

    […] Error X3DAudio1_7.dll (or XAudio2_7.dll) Error Borderlands 2 Launch Failure (Windows 8, Windows 7) Borderlands 2 Crashes at 2K Games Logo Borderlands 2 Has Graphical Glitches Borderlands 2 VBScript.dll not registered or […]

  5. Comments  Preu   |  Tuesday, 25 September 2012 at 8:04 AM

    Don’t know if this is the final solution, but after cleaning up the dust off my pc case and put a fan behind it, i didn’t experience any other crash.. it was heating too much.. i tried playing for a while, kept the game paused for a while also (which usually turned in a crash too) and nothing bad happened.. i really hope this helps

  6. Comments  The Best Class in Borderlands 2 | Geek Montage   |  Wednesday, 26 September 2012 at 7:46 PM

    […] 2 Missing Files Errors (xapofx1_5.dll, d3dx9_43.dll) • Borderlands 2 Not Opening • Fix Borderlands 2 Crashing, Freezing • Borderlands 2 Secret Class Mechromancer • Best Gun in Borderlands […]

  7. Comments  ClOwNeRY   |  Sunday, 30 September 2012 at 12:57 AM

    Hey I also got the crashed problem at the 2K Games logo, I have tried to fix it by using your method and it didn’t work. My computer also doesn’t meet the minimum requirement, is it necessary? If it is how i can fix it, what i need to do, upgrade or change.

    Here what I’m using:
    CPU: Intel Core 2 6400 @2.13 GHz(one that doesn’t meet the requirement)
    Memory: 3GB
    OS: XP Service Pack 3
    Video Card: Geforce GT240
    Sound Card: NVIDIA High Definition Audio

    If there is something I should do with my computer, guide me please I really want to play this game.

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