Posts Tagged ‘Windows 8’
How to Add Windows Start Button to Windows 8 (Free)
Last Updated on Saturday, 20 October 2012 12:44 Written by DarkKnightH20 Saturday, 20 October 2012 12:44

As you may know, Windows 8 Consumer Preview has NO start button in the left hand corner. For some people, this is annoying.
Until recently, StartDock had their application called Start8 available for free, which added a Start button for you. However, they became greedy (yes — I’m calling you guys out) and decided to start charging money for it. Now you can only get a trial.
A good alternative exists though: Pokki
This FREE application adds the button for you, as well as gives you access to Pokki apps (if you choose to use them). Awesome!
Tags: Software, Windows 8 | Posted under News | No Comments
Disable Windows SmartScreen Windows 8
Last Updated on Friday, 24 August 2012 11:48 Written by Naota Friday, 24 August 2012 11:47

Latest reports have indicated that Windows 8 can tell Microsoft every program that has been installed. While the intent of this feature is to determine whether applications have been known to be bad, it can also be used by hackers looking for vulnerabilities.
To turn off Windows SmartScreen via Action Center -> Change Windows SmartScreen settings. Users can also turn off annoying Action Center warnings by clicking Turn off messages about Windows SmartScreen in the same window.
Tags: Windows 8 | Posted under News | No Comments
Windows 8: Solve Game Lagging With Logitech Mouse / Keyboard
Last Updated on Monday, 19 March 2012 02:38 Written by DarkKnightH20 Monday, 19 March 2012 12:50

So as some know, I recently switched from Windows XP 32-bit edition to Windows 8 Consumer Preview 64 bit edition (Metro). I skipped the Windows 7 and Windows Vista route and went from x86 to x64.
My Keyboard and Mouse are part of the Logitech Wave Pro wireless set, which runs off of a shared USB wireless stick. It worked flawlessly under Windows XP.
However, after formatting and going to Windows 8, the game FEAR Combat (F.E.A.R.) no longer ran smoothly. It had a lot of lag and would stutter or even microstutter. Though the problem wasn’t apparent, it was caused by my keyboard / mouse set. To get rid of this stuttering, you go to Device Manager, then locate “Human Interface Devices” and DISABLE all that say “HID-compliant device”. This can be listed numberous times — for me it was listed 5 times — including once under the alias “HID-compliant consumer control device”.
This tip works for other games too on the PC, as well as on Windows 7 and with other brands of Logitech Mice, which is where the problem exists — such as with the Logitech G series too.
So remember — if you have a choppy, stuttering frame rate or low frames per second (fps) in general, it could be your drivers.
Tags: guide, Logitech, Windows 8 | Posted under Texts | 2 Comments
Windows 8 Consumer Preview Review – From Windows XP x32 to Windows 8 x64
Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 March 2012 08:08 Written by DarkKnightH20 Tuesday, 13 March 2012 08:08

So as mentioned in our Windows 8 Consumer Preview Installation Guide, I recently went from Windows XP 32-bit to Windows 8 64-bit.
Not only did I skip Windows Vista and Windows 7, but I went from x32 to x64, which also let me use more than 2.75gb’s of RAM.
Many say that Microsoft has a habbit of failing every other release. They say:
Windows 3.1 / 3.11 – Awesome
Windows 95 – Failure
Windows 98 – Awesome
Windows ME – Failure
Windows XP – Awesome
Windows Vista – Failure
Windows 7 – Awesome
Windows 8 — ((FAILURE??))
I don’t agree with this really, and this obviously skips some of their other operating system versions. Is Windows 8 a failure? Read on.
Tags: Reviews, Windows 8 | Posted under Texts | 2 Comments
Windows 8 Consumer Preview – Installation Guide
Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 March 2012 07:41 Written by DarkKnightH20 Tuesday, 13 March 2012 07:22

Windows 8 Consumer Preview is now available for public beta testing. This includes the 64-bit and 32-bit versions. Previously, only the developer version was available, but now that the consumer version is out to try for free, many will be interested in installing it. But HOW do you install it? Follow our installation guide to make your installation run as smoothly as possible!
Tags: guides, Windows 8 | Posted under Texts | No Comments