Today is Thursday, 13th March 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Statistics’

State of the Internet – Short Video


A little update for everyone about how the internet has grown, it really puts things into perspective.


Statistics About the Year 1909


I wasn’t recently emailed this and found it to be fascinating. Basically, it’s a large list of how things use to be back in 1909 — only 101 years ago — in comparison to today. I was very surprised myself. I in no shape or form wrote this list by the way.

"The Internet After Dark"


I read an interesting article on ArborNetworks a bit ago called The Internet After Dark (Part 1, Part 2). Both parts have graphical compilations of activity occuring throughout night and day. An interesting graph–

It would appear that loads of people enjoy their WoW during these times as well as coms CounterStrike!


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