Today is Sunday, 22nd December 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Patch’

Borderlands 2 – Patch v1.2.0


A new patch is available for Borderlands 2. So Steam users and regular owners of the game alike, get ready to download.

It fixes a lot of bugs, errors / glitches, save file corruption, and hacks / exploits.

It also makes the legendary shield — The Bee — no longer as good. It has been nerfed so it is less powerful.

Check out the Patch Changelog for Update 1.2.0 below!

Game: Borderlands Patch 1.41 Released (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)


The headline for this is a bit wrong. The Xbox 360 Borderlands Patch 1.41 is actually not out, but the Playstation 3 and PC patches are 🙂 The Xbox 360 one will be released VERY soon so don’t crack your Xbox console in two just yet!…Not that this game has very many bugs or anything that need game fixes anyway, even with DLC4 🙂

So what’s up with Borderlands Patch 1.41? Not much really. A level cap increase, enemy scaling, bug fixes, etc. Note that this use to be called Patch 1.50. Here’s the changelog:

  • Level cap increase of 8 levels for all players.
  • Original Borderlands players will now be able to achieve level 58.
  • Owners of The Secret Armory of General Knoxx can achieve a record setting increase to a maximum level of 69.
  • Enemies now scale to new level caps throughout the whole game as long as playthrough 2 has been completed.
  • Item drops (with the exception of COM Decks) will now scale to new enemy level caps.
  • DLC4 Achievement / Trophy glitches that have affected some users will now properly award players for obtaining these achievements.

So what are you waiting for?! Download Borderlands Patch 1.41

Borderlands 1.01 Patch (PC)


Yesterday evening, Gearbox released a patch for Borderlands on the PC. This patch fixes some very large bugs in the game, including skill point data loss. Although there were many important fixes, there are still a ton of things that need to be fixed. Less than twelve hours later, a new crack/no-cd patch appeared. For shame!


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