Today is Tuesday, 21st January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘news’

BioWare Reveals Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Co-op Details


People have been salivating over Mass Effect 3 for months now ever since the trailer came out for the game.

Then BioWare dropped a bombshell; the game would include multiplayer. Some celebrated it. For many, though, it set off alarm bells. BioWare is a company known for developing and delivering polished single player experiences; what were they going to gain tacking on an afterthought deathmatch mode?

Flash 10.2 Released 34x more efficient, Multi-Screen Support


Flash 10.2 has a huge amount of enhancements that you are going to want to know about! The most noteable is how the new API which promises as much as 34 times more efficiency. This is due to a new API that Adobe has just recently created. It promises to increase hardware acceleration and decrease the load on the CPU. This results in better performance and less battery usage.

But that is not all, Adobe really went above and beyond and did some more changes and updates.

You can read more information and download the Flash 10.2 Update here.

Eric Schmidt Steps Down as Google CEO Larry Page Takes Over


Eric Schmidt has decided to step down from the position of CEO at Google. This news came in at the same time that Google posted record profits for the year. Larry Page will take over the position as CEO while retaining his current position as well. The other founder of Google will also keep his current position. Schmidt will stay around long enough to prepare Larry Page and get him brought up to speed, as things are much different than they were when Page was last running the company.

Even with this news, Google’s stock is on the rise at the time of this article.

Jet Blue Employee (Flight Attendant) Quits in Epic Fashion – Gets Arrested Later


In New York, on August 9th, a Jet Blue flight attendant (Steven Slater) arriving on the JFK flight got into an argument with a passenger. While arguing, the flight attendant cursed at the passenger, grabbed a beer and evacuated the airplane by activating the emergency exit slide.

The employee ran from the scene and was later arrested at his house with charges for criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and trespassing. He is currently in jail. For more information you can read the entire article here.


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