Today is Thursday, 13th March 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Japan’

Cool Video: Fake Japanese Pool


Neat false pool in Japan.

Driving in Asia


I don’t know how to describe this, but when I was in Korea, there was an accident every 500 feet and NOW I know why…

Video: Japanese Sushi Candy


The Japanese really invent some of the most strange of things. For instance, in the video below is a little Japanese Candy pack that’s suppose to look like sushi…And it really does! Check it out.

Video: Falling Towards Google Earth – Japan Style


The Japanese always have such creative ideas…and this is one of them! Using blue tarps with fake clouds painted on them, as well as a projector, fan, bungee cord, etc. — some people from Japan pretended they were parachuting (or falling) from an airplane (or the sky). How intense, huh?

Virtual Girlfriends Hit Japan


As if the birthrate in Japan didn’t have enough trouble, being negative already and all, it’s about to take another hit with the introduction of virtual girlfriends at the resort town of Atami. You might have heard about the Japanese guy who married his virtual girlfriend inside the Konami game “Love Plus” last year. This scheme apparently follows on the heels of that event, covered by various internet sites and astonished internet onlookers, and it’s actually apparently done good for Atami, which has seen attendance rise for the first time since the 1970s.

So apparently sexbots would actually be a step UP from the current situation.

Original article here.


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