Posts Tagged ‘Discount’
Rosetta Stone Review, Discount, and Demo
Last Updated on Thursday, 17 November 2011 11:59 Written by Naota Saturday, 2 October 2010 08:14

Rosetta Stone Review. Do you want to learn a new language? Not sure what the best way to go about learning it is? Well you could take a class, you could go to the country, you could buy a book or a tape. One of the most popular and effective offerings for starting your language learning is Rosetta Stone. Just recently, they launched a brand new version of their language software.
This new version, called Rosetta Stone v4 TOTALe promises many more effective ways to learn languages over its predecessor, version 3.0.You can read our review of Rosetta Stone v4 TOTALe here as we tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of this award-winning solution.
Tags: Demo, Discount, review, Rosetta Stone | Posted under Reviews, Texts | No Comments