Today is Tuesday, 18th February 2025



Stop American Censorship!

“I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to vote “no” on cloture for S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act, on Jan. 24th. The PROTECT IP Act is dangerous, ineffective, and short-sighted. It does not deserve floor consideration. I urge my representative to vote “no” on SOPA, the corresponding House bill.

Over coming days you’ll be hearing from the many businesses, advocacy organizations, and ordinary Americans who oppose this legislation because of the myriad ways in which it will stifle free speech and innovation. We hope you’ll take our concerns to heart and oppose this legislation by voting “no” on cloture.”

Here at Geek Montage, we believe that SOPA / PIPA are terrible on so many different levels. Such legislation should not even be remotely considered, but unfortunately this is the type of world we live in. Say NO to SOPA! After all, SOPA is just “soup”.

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