Home / Quick review of the GunsQuick review of the Guns
Last Updated on Friday, 11 June 2010 09:45 Written by Foose Friday, 11 June 2010 11:16

So, I made a few reviews, but for a quick and dirty rundown of them, here is a quick compilation (with links) of the data:
POWER: (Feet per second)
1 – Baretta 92FS and Crosman C11 @ 480
2 – Crosman 357W @ 435 – 455
3 – Walther P99 @ 345
Summary: Just watch where you point these things, the Baretta and C11 can put a nice hole in your belly.
ACCURACY: (5 and 10 meters at a 4″ target, 10 shots)
1 – Crosman C11 (80% @ 5m, 40% @ 10m)
2 – Crosman 357W (70% @ 5m, 40% @ 10m)
3 – Baretta 92FS (60% @ 5m, 20% @ 10m)
4 – Walther P99 (50% @ 5m, 20% @ 10m)
Summary: If Naota and I can shoot the space in the middle of a CD, then there’s no doubt of the C11’s accuracy
REALISM: (Functions, mechanism, detail)
1 – Walther P99
2 – Crosman 357W
3 – Baretta 92FS
4 – Crosman C11
Summary: Yeah, the Walther lacks a lot, but you can’t deny the blow back and the realistic mechanisms of the gun are badass.
RATE OF FIRE: (How fast a 10 shot clip is emptied)
1 – Walther P99 @ 2.319 sec
2 – Crosman C11 @ 3.376 sec
3 – Baretta 92FS @ 3.569 sec
4- Crosman 357W @ 3.876 sec
Summary: The P99 has the smoothest trigger pull out of all of them, dominating the rate of fire. Both the Baretta and the C11 seem to share the same trigger/loading mechanisms because I found that you needed some effort to pull the trigger. The 357W of course needed the most because it was cocking the hammer and firing at the same time.
Tags: guns