Home / LOTR BluerayLOTR Blueray
Last Updated on Thursday, 10 September 2009 03:30 Written by Naota Thursday, 10 September 2009 03:30

So… Newline Cinemas has been getting all kinds of flack for it’s reproduction of LOTR. As it currently stands, Newline is re-releasing the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy on Blu-ray for a semi-respectable price of $70.00 at
The down side? They are re-releasing the Theatrical version… not the Extended Edition, which contains literally over an hour of footage in each of the movies. The Extended Edition will be released a year or two later.
—– End Rant —–
One does not simply try to screw over their fan base, just like one does not simply Walken to Mordor.
– ナオ太
We take hidden trail. Orcs don’t use it, Orcs don’t know it.