Today is Saturday, 8th February 2025

Logitech Wave Pro Sale & WordPress Vulnerability


Arrrrrrrrrr. So I paid $80 for my Logitech Wave Pro mouse and keyboard and naturally afterwards it goes on sale yet again. I could have waited for it, knowing very well it would go on sale again soon, but I just had to buy it early. Sigh duck! Anyway, it’s on sale now for $65. Feel free to read about it here on my blog’ish area. The layout is ugly so ignore that for now. Changes will be made to it in due time, but my main focus is GeekMontage currently so that website will be stuck with any ugly layout for now. Bwahahaha! On another note, there is a new WordPress vulnerability afoot. It is a simple one, of which can be used to annoy your friends! Basically, it resets the users password so he/she cannot login. Versions that are vulnerable: 2.8.3 and lower. Use the below URL, modifying it to your own WordPress’s URL, to test it out.


Do not use it on anyone else’s WordPress except for your own, naughty ones! Note that the newest version, 2.8.4, has patched this and came out today. WordPress is extremely easy to update (being able to automatically upgrade to the next version through one click), so the “shelf life” of this is relatively small.

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