Today is Friday, 26th July 2024

Daily Digest February 26, 2010



      2010 iPhone could sport finger swiping camera controls

      A cool patent application by Apple indicates that future versions of the iPhone and iPad could let you scrub through your voicemail, access in-call features, and navigate the user interface by swiping your finger across the camera lens.
      According to Apple’s patent application number 20100048241 filed with the United States Trademark & Patent Office (USPTO) in […]

      Just Cause 2 demo out March 4th

      After watching the stunt trailers for Just Cause 2 earlier this week you may be eager to play the game. The good news is, you won’t have to wait very long.
      Square Enix has confirmed the demo will be out on March 4th. PC gamers can get it via Steam, while console gamers will find it […]

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