Home / Civilization V Gods and Kings Error MoveFile Failed Code 3 Fix Solved
Civilization V Gods and Kings Error MoveFile Failed Code 3 Fix Solved
Last Updated on Saturday, 11 August 2012 03:38 Written by Naota Friday, 10 August 2012 11:47

An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory :
MoveFile failed; code 3.
- Install Civilization V on your C drive with a short name. I saved it as “Civ5” (c:\Civ5) and will reference it as such.
- Install any updates you want. I patched up and installed the other DLCS first
- Install Civilization V Gods and Kings in the same Civ5 folder. When prompted if you want to install in the same folder, hit yes.
- Install any remaining patches and play
Error MoveFile Failed Code 3 is due to the fact that the path was too long in length when saved in Program Files. This is because there are way too many folders in Civilization.
I hope this guide helps someone, as when making this test, my Civ V install went rogue and deleted half my programs/games when I was testing other solutions. ugh lol
This entry was posted on Friday, August 10th, 2012 at 11:47 PM and is filed under News.
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and it was that easy,
thx mate, nicely done, it was really bothering me
My troubleshooting days for this problem ended right here! You’re awesome! Thank you 😀
You make the internet a better place..
I would never have figured this out without you, thank you very much!
dude thank you so much it worked me as well. i was searching for a solution for a week. cheers!
Thanks. I also want to emphasize the importance of making sure you install it into THE SAME folder as the original release. Even if you choose CivV as the folder, it will often add the subfolder Sid M…Gods and Kings. Make sure the prompt asks if you want it in the same location and say yes!
thank bro you solved it, its great to see the installation without errors. i still have a prob popping after installing the pack it asks me to install dx 11 and C++, when i say yes to installation it shows the error could not execute the dx.11.exe file or vc++.exe file. please help
Great Solution!!!!
And always install in the SAME FOLDER of the game! Don’t accept the suggestion of a subfolder!
You sir / madam are a wonderful person and a credit to your species. I’m now going to bang my head against the wall for awhile for not figuring this out, but thanks to you I’ll have the game to play afterwards. Many enemies will be slaughtered in your honor, and an empire erected in humble tribute.
Thanks so much! This is what the internet should be all about, a community of people helping each other, You rock!
Many thanks for this amazing solution.
I have the same problem as civfan. What should we do? :S
Oh civfan I found the solution. You have to go to the .exe file in the civ5 folder and run each program as administrator
cheers mate i was goingmad
THX Bro I did thee same to hitman absolution and it worked thanks