Home / Britain to Start Making Star Trek-Style Force-fields
Britain to Start Making Star Trek-Style Force-fields
Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 March 2010 06:49 Written by Naota Wednesday, 24 March 2010 06:49
That is right you heard me. According to the Telegraph, British scientists have come up with a design for an electromagnetic field. According to researchers this field will be able to repel rockets, gunfire and other damaging weaponry as well. Military scientists claim that by using a super-capacitor, they can release waves of electromagnetic energy directly into the armor for a given period of time, greatly slowing down and altering the course of even RPG rounds.
You can read more about the force field research here from the Telegraph.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 at 6:49 PM and is filed under Cool.
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Electric Reactive Armour? Not force fields by a longshot, but still incredibly promising for anti-RPG defense. Basically any RPG round hitting the armor completes a circuit in the armor, dumping a ridiculous amount of electricity into the round and liquefying (yeah, liquefying a metal and explosive compound is a lot of electricity lol) it to the point of impotence. It’s still a contact-triggered defense, and won’t be as useful against explosions that happen simply in proximity of the armor, like IEDs. Still, it blunts the potential of guerrilla ambushes by a lot.