Today is Saturday, 27th July 2024

Apples Rock N' Roll Event & Ipod Nano With Camera & Software/Firmware Updates, & Lower Priced Ipod Touch


Isnt that a long title?

I just wanted to summarize some key points of the Rock N’ Roll Event that was held today. Steve Jobs made his appearance and was looking better than ever. He went ahead and acknowledged that he did indeed get a liver transplant from a 20-something year old boy who died in a car crash and donated his organs.

I have put up several articles about the new iPods. Want to learn more?

News on the Latest Generation of iPods
Click here for more info about the New Generation of the iPod Nano
Click here for more info about the New Generation of the iPod Touch.
Click here for more info about the New Generation of the iPod Classic and Shuffle

The latest firmware updates and iTunes bring new features to the iPod family. Users can now create Genius Mixes. iPhone/iTouch users can now use giftcards in the application store again, as well as use the new Genius Mix technology. Click here to see the complete list of updates in the iPhone Firmware 3.1 update and here to see whats new in iTunes 9.0.

– ナオ太

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