Home / Daily Digest August 24, 2011Daily Digest August 24, 2011
Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 05:30 Written by Bot Wednesday, 24 August 2011 05:30
- Electrical engineer creates “Frankenkindle” for sister with Cerebral Palsy
Back in March, an electrical engineer named Glenn decided to embark on a project to help his sister. Glenn’s sister has Cerebral Palsy which is a physical disability that most commonly affects motor control. This makes it rather difficult to use modern electronics due to their tiny buttons and sensitive touch interfaces. So, the kind […]
- Google Doodle celebrates 112th birthday of Jorge Luis Borges, the master of magic realism
A trip to Google’s homepage today will greet you with an unusual Google Doodle created to honor the 112th birthday of Jorge Luis Borges. The Argentine writer, essayist, poet, and translator was born in Buenos Aires in 1899. The author specialized in surrealist writings and his most famous works were Ficciones, written in 1944, and […]