Today is Tuesday, 18th February 2025

Archive for April, 2012

Space Cats


Photoshop is used for everything these days. Nasa even uses photo enhancement tools for their imagry, this is to enhance colors, decrease dust, remove space cats, change brightness, and so forth… Wait, what?

I know its a little old at this point, but enjoy.

Four Tanks and a Healer – Pledging For Money


Like Four Tanks and a Healer? They are currently looking for support in the form of donations / pledges. Check out their Page for details. If they reach their goal of $45,000 then they will continue their series.

And if you haven’t seen their videos yet, check out:

Four Tanks and a Healer – “From the Beginning” (Episode 1)
Four Tanks and a Healer – “Of Men and Noobs” (Episode 2)

Pretty funny stuff that rings true in many ways for those who are MMORPG fans.

Take a break from World of Warcraft (WoW) and donate today if you want to see the show continue!

FEAR Combat CD Keys – Solution to Broken Warner Bros Free Key Website


As players of the original FEAR (F.E.A.R.) may know, the game offered free multiplayer gaming to everyone through their Warnerbros website. You would register to get a CD / Game Key and then download the game to play it. While the game is still available for download at the official website, the registration part to gain a free CD key is broken — displaying a HTTP Status 500 internal server error.

This…sucked. Thankfully, a solution is now available! offers CD keys for free. Just register to get one. Note though that these particular CD keys are meant for SEC2 servers. What does that mean? When you join the game lobby and try to join a room, look for maps prefixed with “[SEC2]”. Your CD key will work with those.

Alternatively, I would IMAGINE a Key Generator would work in order to gain a CD key for this game. The multiplayer is free after all, though keygens are risky and frowned upon. I’d recommend the SEC2 way 😉 After all, SEC2 = the best maps since they have added security and features. The MXT server uses them too. Anyway, go play some First Encounter Assault Recon! And if you haven’t before, then use the Warner Bros website to download the game, patch it, then get your key from You can find me as DaddyDK on the MXT server.

So now you know how to get a registration / CD key. Enjoy.

Edit: From what I hear, using a keygen with the free version of FEAR will actually not work. So scratch that idea.

And also, you can get the full free multiplayer version with the patch INCLUDED HERE. This version of the installer does NOT ask for a serial number either. Since the SEC2 keys are not as long as the normal keys, this makes it so that you do not need a regular key just to install the game.

Funny Video: Four Tanks and a Healer – “Of Men and Noobs” (Episode 2)


Episode 2 of the hilarious MMORPG spoof / parody series Four Tanks and a Healer. Check it out!

Cute Video: Draw With Me


t’s about a girl and a boy separated by an unbreakable glass. Story and Animation: Mike Inel


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