Today is Friday, 14th March 2025

Archive for December, 2009

HP Has Racist Facial Recognition


HP recently released a response in regards to the following Youtube video. This video declared HP racist, as its facial recognition software does not recognize or follow black people. At the very least I recommend you watch this video, as it is very funny. HP responds that they are currently looking into the issue and are contacting their partners.

Motorcycle Shoots Fireworks


The person in this video made some modifications to this motorcycle so that he could shoot fireworks from it while riding. Definitely useful for when you want to scare the pajesus out of people walking by or attack a car that cut you off.

Daily Digest December 21, 2009



      Ad rates revealed for popular websites

      When visiting the popular websites such as YouTube, AOL, or Hulu, have you ever wondered how much it costs to get an advert on there? Well, The Business Insider has compiled a cross-section list of just how much companies have to pay to get their products and services on that front page. I have no […]

      Apple debuts sexier, all-in-one movie trailers page layout

      A revamped layout sports an all-in-one design collecting all the relevant tidbits of information on a single page, including meta data, iTunes Store links, image galleries, and videos, in addition to cool desktop-like controls.
      Long before the iTunes Store, the iPhone, the iPod, and even the iTunes app, there was Apple’s movie trailers site at […]

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Calvin Harris – I’m Not Alone (DeadMau5 Remix)


Calvin Harris – I’m Not Alone (DeadMau5 Remix)

ATI Catalyst 9.12 Hotfix Released


ATI Just released Catalyst 9.12 and the Catalyst 9.12 Hotfix. This update brings forth a lot of changes and fixes, and thus I recommend that you install it. You may download ATI Catalyst 9.12 here.


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