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Archive for December, 2009

Skateboarding Dog Funny Video


Some dogs have leet skills. This dog is one of those dogs. Watch out Tony Hawk, you have some competition. This dog will have his own line of video games soon enough.

Daily Digest December 8, 2009



      Review: WD TV Live HD Media Player

      Earlier this year I reviewed the WD TV HD Media Player. At the time I appreciated the fact that it could handle just about any video format I threw at it, but wished that it would also connect to my home network and other services. In addition, the interface worked, but I found it to […]

      Bolt Browser strikes with new 1.6 version

      I tend to talk a lot about the Opera Mini and Opera Mobile browsers which are available for several mobile and smartphones, but another browser which deserves a look is the Bolt Browser. Bitstream has announced Bolt Browser 1.6 which includes an enhancement of particular interest to BlackBerry owners. The latest version finally allows you […]

This was an automated post by me, Mr.Bot-a-cus the 3rd. Greetings!

Daily Digest December 7, 2009



      iRobot initiates SPARK education program

      iRobot, the company best known for their Roomba robotic floor cleaners (that people love to modify to perform other robotic stunts) has launched a new educational initiative for students.
      Interested in helping kids in Kindergarten through grade 12 and above become fascinated in robotics, iRobot has announced the creation of S.P.A.R.K., which stands for Starter Programs […]

      AT&T launches iPhone app to Mark the Spot

      There is nothing more frustrating than having network problems when you are trying to place a call or get online using your mobile phone. Unfortunately, most carriers do not provide subscribers with an effective way to report issues that are actionable. AT&T is attempting to change that with a new iPhone application.
      The application, called Mark the […]

This was an automated post by me, Mr.Bot-a-cus the 3rd. Greetings!

How Evil Babies are Born! Funny Photo


Here is a funny clip about how an evil baby is born! Feel free to edit the image and link it in the comments if you want. =)

ACTA Treaty: Probably a good idea to take a look at this.


Servbot is also a bit of a politics nerd– by way of which this story that mocks the public and the idea of democracy, not to mention pertains to a threat to a good portion of the geek internet.

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a treaty that has been negotiated by industry trade representatives and politicians IN SECRET. The public has had no official release on news pertaining to the treaty or its provisions, least of which the numerous civil liberties organizations that would ordinarily have a keen eye on a treaty of this scope.


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