Archive for September, 2009
PS3 Sales Up 300%; Holiday Shortage Possible.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 06:00 Written by Wrathie Wednesday, 23 September 2009 06:00
Looks like officially worked, but the short run of sales could impede the long-run of the precious holiday sales.
SCEA President, Jack Tretton said, “We are up about 300 percent over where we were pre-price drop. We are up significantly versus last year.”
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 02:00 Written by servbot_kill Wednesday, 23 September 2009 02:00
Ever been criticized by parents or non-gamer peers that your constant game-playing was doing nothing productive for society? Shut them up with FoldIt, a game that allows you to tackle protein folding sequences along with thousands or millions of others. Doing this allows scientists access to data that’s been processed not by mere machines, but by absurd numbers of eyeballs, all attached to keen puzzle-solving minds. Meanwhile the software calculates the stability of the resulting molecule after your puzzle solving and the more stable it ends up, the higher score you’ll end up with.
Posted under News | 2 Comments
Happy Birthday Nintendo!
Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 12:00 Written by Wrathie Wednesday, 23 September 2009 12:00
On this day in 1889 (that is right, 1889), Nintendo was founded on this date as a playing card maker. It would be another 85 years until they switch into the electronic age. Their first big hit, Donkey Kong, was released in 1981 on the arcades and proved to be the big hit that drove Nintendo into the spot light of the gaming industry.
Posted under Games | 3 Comments
WoW (World of Warcraft) Pickup Lines
Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 10:00 Written by Naota Wednesday, 23 September 2009 10:00
I went ahead and decided to take the pickup lines to the next step. Since some people aren’t big Harry Potter fans…. I put up a set of WoW pickup lines that are equally… no… 5% more clever.
Here are just a few to entice you:
- Nice pants, baby. What’s the drop rate?
- Yeah, that’s right… I’m hung like a tauren.
- Come on, girl… I have the blessing of protection!
Coffee Printer
Last Updated on Saturday, 11 September 2010 07:09 Written by Enki Wednesday, 23 September 2009 01:33
“Korean designer Jeon Hwan Ju, likely a beans person, has percolated a potent brew that utilizes coffee or tea dregs as the replacement ink. The result is the RITI inkbox, which probably is good for only sepia printouts, but is the kind of green tech we like very much. Coffee or tea dregs are placed into the cartridge, mixed with a little water. However, using this requires powering it along with a little muscle, moving the cartridge left and right in the slot while drawing on the paper. Not quite the most efficient workhorse for your home business, but at least it’s the only aromatic printout you can personalize, from Lipton to Lavazza.” – cnet
Tags: Coffee, Printer, Technology | Posted under News | 4 Comments