Battlefield 3 Game Fixes (Crashing, Lagging, Launch Failure, etc)
Last Updated on Monday, 29 December 2014 10:52 Written by DarkKnightH20 Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:50
If you’re a fan of the Battlefield FPS / first person shooter series or even have seen the commercials being advertised on TV, then I’m sure you are aware that the new Battlefield 3 game is now out!
It’s available orn the PC, as well as the Playsation 3 (PS3) and Xbox 360 consoles. And if you like it a lot, the DLC Back to Karkand is available for it too!
This is a very exciting time for many because of the large fan base this game has, and Electronic Arts (EA) / EA DICE made sure to not disappoint its players! If you like the series for the fun campaigns or for the great multiplayer action, then you’ll be happy either way.
The graphics are great, the audio does the game justice, and you get kill your friends on epic maps. What’s better than that?
Now, as with the beta release of this game, there are bugs, errors, glitches, etc. that require fixing. Patches will be available in the future of course, but we can still tackle some of these problems before then, not to mention the ones that are not likely to be fixed.
Troubleshoot your BF3 game problems with our guide below! And if you know any other solutions that we don’t, then please leave a comment and let us know! There will end up being more fixes required here once the game is released on Steam I’m sure.
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Out of Memory Error
You may experience a game error after playing the game for a duration of time. An example error message:
DirectX function “device->CreateTexture2D(&texDesc, desc.subResourceCount != 0 ? reinterpret_cast(desc.subResourcedata) :0, &texture->_texture2d)* failed with E_OUTOFMEMORY: Ran out of memory. GPU:…etc
This issue happens more commonly to users with older hardware or low memory hardware (GPU, RAM). The best thing to do would be to lower your graphics settings. This includes your resolution.
Another option that may help is to increase your VIRTUAL MEMORY. On Windows XP, you would right click “My Computer” -> Properties -> Advanced tab -> “Settings” button under “Performance” -> Advanced tab -> “Change” button under “Virtual Memory”. While it sounds like it would be a great idea to make this as high as possible, it can have negative effects if you make it too high. Try increasing it little by little to see if it helps at all. Note that Virtual Disk space is used on the hard drive to assist RAM.
DirectX Error When Joining Room on Battlelog
An example error, such as the one below, has been occurring when people try to join server rooms.
DirectX function “m_dxgiFactory -> CreateSwapchain( m_device, &sd, &m_swapChain.assignGet())” failed with DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: The application has made an erroneous API call that it had enough information to avboid. This error is intended to denote that the application should be altered to avoid the error. Use of the debug version of the DXGI.DLL will provide run-time debug output with further information. GPU…. driver: ….
To try to fix this you’ll need to try a couple of things.
1) Update your video card drivers
2) Update your Direct-X
3) USUALLY installing the DirectX package that comes with the game ends up helping problems such as this one…Just FYI
4) Run the game in Windows XP compatibility mode if you are on Windows 7
BF3 Game Fails to Launch / Crashes to Desktop (C2D) or Black Screen
What’s more annoying than trying to play a new game…only to it has failed to launch or crashed? The above suggestions work well for combating this particular issue. In addition to those fixes, I also suggest to repair your game through Origin. Make sure to disable any applications / software that could prevent this from succeeding.
Kewl user Idefriginit recommends that if you’re using an OC / Overclocked graphics card (560Ti and a 570Ti SLI setup in his case) that was either OCed manually or by the manufacturer, then you should reduce the clockspeed! In his case, he set his video card from 900 to 822 using MSI Afterburner and no longer experienced these random crashes!
Another option is setting the bf3.exe’s process affinity to CPU 0 and 1! This resolves the crashing for some people. Setting it to just 0 can help too. This is NOT an ideal fix.
Battlefield 3 Lags or Stutters
If you are lagging or experiencing stuttering / jittering, then these tips work well to increase your frames per second.
1) Disable VSYNC! This will help you use get all the FPS you are capable of.
2) Lower your graphics settings (obvious, but needed to be said)
3) UPDATE your drivers! NVIDIA and ATI have released drivers recently that were specifically modified to help optimize performance in Battlefield 3. HOWEVER, it should be noted that there WAS a problem with the 285.62 drivers for NVIDIA. It causes stuttering! NVIDIA users should hold off until new drivers are available that will not further complicate your gameplay! NVIDIA is already working on a new patch though so by the time you read this it may not be an issue any longer. Edit: Install the beta drivers!
4) To expand on tip #2, lowering your resolution can help significantly, as does lowering SHADOWS! This may also help if you experience corrupted shadows, which some builds have. Anti-Aliasing (AA) and
5) Disable 3D Vision
6) Patch your game (when available)
If you are playing on a slow, laggy server, then that is obviously the problem. Try another server.
Cannot Connect – BF3 Port Information
Some people have ports disabled for security reasons, which is smart. You should learn from these people! Anyway, for the PC, the ports used for TCP and UDP are:
TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 20000-29999, 22990, 17502, 42127
UDP: 3659, 14000-14016, 22990-23006, 25200-25300
The Sony PlayStation 3, on the other hand, uses the following:
TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-19999, 17502, 42127
UDP: 3659, 14000-14016
And the X360 uses…
TCP: 53, 88, 3074
UDP: 53, 88, 3074
Enable the ports that correspond to whatever means of playing the game you are using!
“Your account is not allowed to login”
Guys…be patient! This message will disappear soon so do not worry! Give it a bit of time, as depending on where you are from there is a time zone difference in the offical release date or official enable time.
Battlefield 3 Specact Kit Code Invalid / Redeemed Already
Contact DICE/EA Support about the problem. A lot of the time they actually will resolve it for you so it’s worth doing. Those who played Battlefield 2 had experienced this problem and had it resolved that way with great success. If you’re unlucky though, you may have to try to return the game to the store you got it from in order to get a new code.
Cannot Login Using “Outdated” Web Browser
The best thing to do here is to simply install another browser. Internet Explorer (IE) users get this error sometimes and the best solution is to install Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome — both of which you should have anyway. These two browsers will work perfectly.
No Game Sound / Audio / Music
First off, let’s start out by saying anyone with a 5.1 or 7.1 speaker setup needs to just try setting it from 7.1 -> 5.1 or 5.1 -> 2.1 and seeing if that works. A lot of the time…it does! Not ideal, but worth mentioning. Anywho, on to the other common solutions! These can even fix problems with headsets or gaming headphones.
– Load RUN and type in DXDIAG. Click the Sound tab. Find “DirectX Features” and move hardware sound acceleration to “no acceleration”.
– Or…Load Control Panel > Sounds & Audio Devices. Find “Speaker Settings” > click “Advanced” > Performance tab. Change Hardware Acceleration (FULL -> NONE) and SAMPLE RATE CONVERSION QUALITY (Best -> Good)
– SOMETIMES setting the BF3.exe process affinity to CPU 0 and 1 can solve this problem too (or just setting it to CPU 0), though it is often used to help with crashing instead. It is NOT a good fix to necessarily do though!
Battlefield 3 Download Going Slow / Origin Install Slow
Uninstall Origin if you played the beta! If you have an actual disc, then be patient. It’s taking the files from the disk and will not go any faster than it’s capable of.
Battlefield III Keybindings Broken
This is a common bug in the game — they keybindings for the mouse or keyboard sometimes don’t register correctly OR will not unregister. A patch will likely fix this in the future. If you know of a way to fix the key bindings though, please let us know so we can share it with others, as this is an annoying bug!
Punkbuster Error – “You were kicked from the server by an administrator”
Update / allow Punkbuster to update. You may have outdated files or Punkbuster may not be configured correctly to work for your game. Alternatively, uninstall Punkbuster Services via the Control Panel, then repair your game to have Punkbuster reinstall. Do all this with your Antivirus and Firewall off, as well as Origin and BF3 closed.
Stuck On Initializing
Repair your game through Origin. This may make it no longer hang on the initializing phase. You may also want to disable things such as your firewall and antivirus.
As suggested by A, Try enabling Limit CPUID Maxval in your bios!
If you are using Internet Explorer / IE, then upgrade it to the latest version so that it works well with Origin! This applies to Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. too. If you have increased security settings enabled on these browsers (especially IE) then that can also prevent communication with Origin.
BF3 / Battlefield3 Has Stopped Working Crash
Experiencing this error? The awesome liquidsnake has provided us with a possible solution that could work for you!
go to the folder where the game is installed with the name battlefield3TM….RENAME IT TO BATTLEFIELD 3….remove TM ,then goto regedit from run and look for hkey_users etc look for software..battlefield3,there must be 2 bf3 indications…open one with dialogues on right side…now double click every key and remove TM symbol from them,reboot and walla,works guarenteed
1) Go to your game’s installation folder that’s named “battlefield3TM and rename it to “BATTLEFIELD 3” (without the TM).
2) Open RegEdit (Start -> Run — regedit) and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA Games and rename any Battlefield keys that have “TM” in it!
You *might* only have to rename the folder, but try doing so with the registry too if that doesn’t work.
BF3.exe Has Stopped Responding (When Loading Maps / Missions / End of round ) – NVIDIA
This tip was given to us by the awesome user Billie! As mentioned earlier in the guide, the NVIDIA drivers that were current had been causing issues with the game. Try installing the Beta drivers instead!
Battlefront3 Fix for DXGI.DLL / NTDLL.DLL Error
As suggested by the kewl user Daniel, you can fix this error by exiting ATI Tray Tools! The NVIDIA fix may be similar in this regard.
Windows has detected your computer’s performance is slow.
Enki edit (6/5/12): This problem has been occuring for me personally. It’s a windows popup during a full screen game which will minimize your game during the heat of battle. Its due to the something with Battlefield games causing Windows Aero to slow down. I’ve found two workarounds, the first changes windows settings just for the game, the other changes settings system-wide:
#1: Right click BF3.exe (default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\) -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Check “Disable desktop Composition”. This will disable Windows Aero feature while playing the game to avoid that popup.
#2: Right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Performance Settings -> choose “Custom”. This will keep Windows from interfering since it won’t be choosing what’s best for you anymore.
Battlefield 3 System Requirements
Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
Graphic card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card, ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or higher.
Graphics card memory: 512 MB
Sound card: DirectX compatibl sound card
Hard drive: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
Graphics card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 or ATI Radeon 6950.
Graphics card memory: 1 GB
Sound card: DirectX compatibl sound card
Hard drive: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
Last Updated: November 1st, 2011
[…] Battlefield 3 Stuttering / Game Fails to Launch BF3 Lag BF3 Crashes Error — “Outdated” Web Browser Punkbuster Errors (You were kicked from the server by an administrator) Keybindings Don’t Work Game Cannot Connect to Server / Join Room […]
[…] issues that sprung up when gaming. We call them…game fixes. This particular flavor is a nice Battlefield 3 Game Fixes blend! EA / DICE have done a nice job on this BF3 version for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and […]
I have tried everything to fix this problem, the game crashes every single time I play multi-player, seems to range anywhere between 20-60 minutes before I get the crash, but it will always crash, here is the error that I get:
Hey now, I have reinstalled the Battlefield 3 five times. Still for me the same error message that reads: (X) We’re Sorry, an error ha occurred. – This application did not launch properly. Please close and relunche the game. or: There is a problem with your game’s setup. Please reinstall your game. What should I do?
hi,if you all are getting bf3 has stopped working error ,then follow these simple guide……go to the folder where the game is installed with the name battlefield3TM….RENAME IT TO BATTLEFIELD 3….remove TM ,then goto regedit from run and look for hkey_users etc look for software..battlefield3,there must be 2 bf3 indications…open one with dialogues on right side…now double click every key and remove TM symbol from them,reboot and walla,works guarenteed
Fix the dang mics alreadyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!ps3
Oh,and fix goin into deathmatch and connquest and being on the same team!!!let’s goooo…or yr gunna get 3 million complaints!!!that’s to many to deal wit.ps3
I have the audio problem, but non of the above solutions work on win 7 64 bit (i don’t have those options)
I sometimes hear only the voices, only the guns, only bullets,… its EXTREMELY ANNOYING !
hope they find a fix REAL soon, it’s not playable!
Thank your liquidsnake!
Hi Tom — sometimes people find that ALT+Tab’ing out of the game and then opening it again helps. Or setting the AFFINITY to 0 and 1 for the task helps. I haven’t tested either of these two yet, but it may do the trick.
For nvidia users that have installed newest driver(285.62)
To fix crash(bf3.exe has stopped responding) when loading maps or missions it may help to install beta driver 285.38 instead.
This fixed every problem i had in bf3.
Hey liquidsnake where is this battlefield3TM folder? Looked in program files x86 origin games battlefield3. I don’t see it.
For anyone who has a 560Ti or other factory overclocked card, here is a fix that will stop the crashing (crash to desktop during play).
This worked for me and my bro just did it for his 570Ti (in SLI) and it also works.
1. Download MSI Afterburner
2. Incase of the 560Ti, reduce the max core clock speed from 900 to 822
3. Play BF3 crash free
What you have to do is find out what the non-overclocked core speed of your card is. For instance the 560Ti comes in two versions – Overclocked and Normal. Mine is Overclocked at 900Mhz, but the normal version is 822Mhz. The 570Ti is about 965Mhz? drop this to 925Mhz (but you will need to check this as this was my bro’s card and I can’t recall atm).
Alternatively you can increase the voltage on the card to compensate for the load, but it is safer to drop the core speed. You will only loose about 2-3FPS doing this.
I am sure that this would also work with any of the ATI cards aswell.
i had a problems with crashing BF3 in multiplayer with nvidia 285.62 drivers, it was fixed after graphic card bios update, you shoudl try it
now i can play on full details in BF3 without crashes (i have 560TI from gigabyte).
Any1 having this problem “There is a problem with your games setup, try re-installing?””
Hey i have the right requirements for this game but when i go to install the game it gives me an initializing error. says to either download the game or renistall. renistalling isnt an option kus ive done it. theres no point in downloading it kus the disc is brandnew. idk what to do
*** We’re Sorry, an error has occured…… There is a problem with your games setup, please try reinstalling the game ***
Been trying to play BF3 since midnight and still no further forward, anyone know a fix for this yet?
My PC is higher than the minimum requirements, Windows and IE are fully up to date, I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling Origin and BF3, updated all the new NVidia Drivers and still same sh*tty message – this is so frustrating!
Was really looking forward to playing this! Seems many people are having this same problem, tried calling EA but gave up after 40 mins of waiting on the phone!
Can anybody help us?!
I was able to fix a dxgi.dll / ntdll.dll error, by closing Ati Tray Tools.
Hey I couldnt see my problem there… but I have no clue where to look
but basically when i open multiplayer i can play for about 3 minutes then instead of what it says up there “kicked by admin” it says “you have lost connection to the server” or something and basically i dont know how I could cause I have like average to good internet connection and internet for that matter, my computer spex match the average for battlefield and my mate and i are in the same sort of area or district and he doesnt have the problem when we basically have the exact same computer and internet? just diff provider? i mean i dont see what i can do, ohh and there are no recent updates for the “ATI Radeon HD 5800 series”
*** We’re Sorry, an error has occured…… There is a problem with your games setup, please try reinstalling the game ***
As above with Ryans post and so many others, i have been installing, reinstalling. I have the battlefield 3 cds, but also downloaded from origin fully still nothing has worked.
Can anyone help with this?
the dxgi.dll fix doesn’t work for nvidia users.
Good evening all,
I have several problems, I tried to reinstall and install BF3 almost 4x times and Iam getting a bit pissed off now that Iam still not able to enter the game.
I bought the PC BF3 game at store. I came hom and install it when it was finished I push play button in Origin for BF3 in about 10 sec there came an window with this error
” …://… ” Application is not abel to found.
I tried to log on battlelog and it was working I was able to see my profile everything. But when I want to start the game from Origin everytime this error showed up.
Anybody else have the same problem and know how to fix it please ?
If you could help I will much appreciate it
Thanks a lot !
i play battlefield im shooting an enemy with my primary weapon then all of a sudden randomly my player changes to the secondary weapon without me touching a button, i done a test of just clicking the mouse and it still done it so i know that i didn’t touch the change weapon button. wtf
hi,if you all are getting bf3 has stopped working error ,then follow these simple guide……go to the folder where the game is installed with the name battlefield3TM….RENAME IT TO BATTLEFIELD 3….remove TM ,then goto regedit from run and look for hkey_users etc look for software..battlefield3,there must be 2 bf3 indications…open one with dialogues on right side…now double click every key and remove TM symbol from them,reboot and walla,works guarenteed
Finally, a friend of mine called a EA supporter yesterday, and they had found a solutuion on why the game didnt launch. The problem is if you are using Bullguard as a Antivirus program, uninstall it and find another, since it is bullguard blocking both Origin and Bf3.
What i did is i uninstalled Bullguard, restarted my computer, set Internet Explorer as the defualt browser, launched Bf3 from origin, came to the battlelog, launched campaign and waited for it to start, cant say for how long i waited since i was in the kitchen making some food, but it is definetly Bullguard blocking Bf3 of some kind, but it worked and i am happy!
“Battlefield 3 has stopped working” THis is the error message i get when I am on the initializing phase. I tried getting rid of the TM but mine didnt have one. its under my origin games and the file name is bf3. but the file description says Battlefield3TM. Now ive tried calling the EA help line and they gave me this website to try to fix it. If this problem im having is just because of the TM then how do i get rid of it. I also tried to go to regedit and the only battlefield folder i could find was the battlelog on internet explorer. Please help me because ive had this game for 3 days and i cant even play it.
I have the problem that bf3 stuck at initializing. I had repaired bf3 by origin but it dosen’t work, again.
I have the same Problem. My Battlefield 3 is crashing any time. When i Join in a Multiplayer game then i habe DirectX Error (Function…….).
In Co-Op i can start the Game —> 10-30sek the Game is freezeed. I head this fucking bugs and Origin
I have the same Problem. My Battlefield 3 is crashing any time. When i Join in a Multiplayer game then i habe DirectX Error (Function…….).
In Co-Op i can start the Game —> 10-30sek the Game is freezeed. I head this fucking bugs and Origin
Fix for Asus users getting Battlefield 3 has stopped working between maps in MP.
Uninstall Asus Gamer OSD and Asus Smartdoctor, uninstall driver, do a clean install of driver.
People ahving htis problem with cards from other manufaturers should try uninstall any piece of gpu monitoring software and see if that helps.
hi… when i playing the game have some sound problem, like double sound when i play this game the BF3 is on pc dvd version, anyone can help me to solve this problem
Hey Man..
Cool site.. you’re more helpful then the idiots at E.A.. I like the many other unfortunate souls in the world also have not been able to play till now been 3 days and im still struggling.. im in the U.A.E and here we have ports blocked.. so first i handled that i got a vpn software so ti was dwonloading.. YEAH.. (actually no) the download runs at 4kb/sec and took me all day and then reached 98.65% and remained stuck there.. i tried pausing and resuming the download it would restart from 78% and come back to 98.65% aND get stuck again..
Got any solutions man?
To add to “BF3 Game Fails to Launch” – Many found updating Internet Explorer to the latest 9 fix the problem( and use it of course). This fixes most start up problems as the latest update allows IE to properly communicate to Origin.
Plss Help Me !!
I Downloaded Battlefield 3- Reloaded & started playing
In the intros it was having good sound but but
when i started the campaign it was a tremor 2 me
I have the problem that bf3 stuck at initializing. No error message!
stuck at initializing? try enabling “Limit CPUID Maxval” in your bios.
@Bane you pirated the game and want help to get it working LMAO go work it out yourself
In regard to “BF3 Game Fails to Launch / Crashes to Desktop (C2D) or Black Screen”….. i found that the following helped me: (i’m using an amd phenomII quad core so might not help all of you…)
1) goto Start and type Run in the search bar
2) open Run and type “msconfig” without the quotes of course.
3) in the window that pops up goto the Boot Tab and select Advanced Options
4) Tick the “Number of Processors:” box and select number 1 from the drop down box that becomes available
5) ok everything and reboot your computer
6) now you have rebooted your ocmputer open and login to Origin.
7) now try launching Battlefield 3 from origin and leave it for 5 mins or so it should launch your web browser and open up the battlelog page.
8) sign into battle log and launch the game from there… if it works you can go to back into msconfig and untick the number of processors box then ok everything and restart to enable all your processors again
NOTE: i’ve found even though i’ve gotten past all thatand it now runs ok it still wont bring up the batle log page via origin wen i click on bf3 but going to the battle log page manually and signing in works just fine…. so not a huge problem.)
Hope this helps…..
@a if you mean where it says initializing when u click to play campaign or join a server you might find that bf3 does pop up on your taskbar…. i’ve found clicking it will bring the game up and it should load fine my bf3 has never automaticly brought the game up with or without that tick box being active
Hey. I can’t find the battlefield 3 icons in my registry…Does it always exist there? With regards to crashing to desktop.
the file description says Battlefield3TM. I have tried everything, deleted every TM from every battlefield file i found with the help of run,regedit… Still exe description says battlefield3tm.
This fix will allow Windows XP users to play Battlefield 3.
Currently BF3 can only be played by users who have DX10 or 11.
With this fix, BF3 can be played by users that have DX9 on XP SP1,2 or 3.
You must have DX9 in order to play this game!
Those who got the application error at the time of launching the game try this method
1) Turn of antivirus & install the game.
2) change the name of installed Directory to “Battle Field 3”, i.e. remove “tm” from it.
3) Copy the cracked content to installed directory.
4) Play the game.
if you have installed the game successfully with antivirus software running then you can skip step 1.
its working for me. My configuration is
1) Win 7 64 bit
2) AMD Phenom II 3.2GHz
3) 8GB DDR 3 RAM (1333Mhz)
4) 1GB ATI Readon HD graphics (5770 series).
hi guys, recently installed bf3 on my pc & i get this error:
“failed creating D3D device of at least version 10.0 on adapter(ATI Radeon HD 2600XT) with driver 11.9(8.892-110914m-125030C-ATI) error is DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED(unsupported)
this is typically caused by not having the minimum required directx support in the gpu for amd and gpu’s from other vendors, directX 10.1 support is required”
currently running windows7 ultimate 64b on i7 2k6 3.4, 8gb 1333hz ram, DX11 all up 2 date in my asusP8H61-M LE bios apart from the gpu, which i had a .dll file, but don’t know where to put it.
any help or guidance would b much appreciated, paul.
Fault – continually connecting to a server but never connects. when I first installed it was connecting, but it gradually got worse untiI now I cannot connect at all. Contacted EA and they gave me a list of port numbers. one of there’s is different to the one’s above, so i tired the numbers above and it would not assign it saying there was a conflict with an existing program so I reckon EA’s are correct. the number that is different – tcp 20000 – 20100 (Not 29999). I assigned it using the 20100 but it still did not rectify my fault.
Why does my battlefield 3 say there is a problem with my data And I have lost all memory on my campaign ?
Removed ™ helped me.
There is a problem with your game’s setup. Please reinstall your game. this is always coming when i going to play the game What should I do?
in my case both singleplayer and multiplayer are working just fine… but when i log in to game in coop mode my controls are not responding anymore? what could be wrong? and how to fix this?
sorry it didnt work lol
hi there guys just installed bf3… it goes black screen but after i press enter many times.. the background of bf3 shows without any menus.. so i tried enter button again.. then the game starts.. buts with now aim.. or cursor.. when i press escape.. still have no menus.. how can i fix this..
i just came across a new problem, the game itself runs very nice, but my menus are missing its settings, so i for example cant change my key bindings or graf settings. Im also missing a lot of small detail in the hubs and other places.
I would like to say thankyou very much… i have tried a lot…!!
But because og you, i installed the “beta” drivers to 555 m graphic card…
and now it works like a charm! THX!!!
And changed battlefield 3 TM to Battlefield 3…!
either way IT WORKS NOW!!
When i first got the game the game worked fine with no problems. About a week after playing it all of a sudden crashed as soon as i clicked on my origin icon or in battlog if i clicked “launch game”,”co-op” or “quick match” just gave me the appcrash bullcrap. I have done everything from removing the TM at the end of battlefield 3, updated all my drivers, changed web browsers, deleted off my anti virus, deleted the battlefield folder in my documents, lowered my GPU core clock by 10mhz.
I uninstalled bf3 and reinstalled it…it worked fine for the first day, the very next day it was back at its same normal self of appcrashing.
My specs
cpu: E8500 3.16ghz
gpu: Asus 250GTS 1gig
ram:? 4gigs ddr2 1066
os: Windows 7 64 bit home prem
I got a PROBLEM Origins serial it asks where to sal take?
Direct X error:
You have to run Battlefield AND ORIGIN in Windows XP-mode
I can play for about 5-10 minutes and then i get server timed out,Anyone know how to fix?
You could definitely see your skills within the work you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. All the time follow your heart.
when i try to Play this game this error accure
I m USING DV6-1210TX With 2.0 C2D. 2GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series 1274MB
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: bf3.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 3ef5c4bd
Fault Module Name: atidxx32.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bd977
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00064a17
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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Hey guys if you have constant crashes on pc i know how to solve that this not a spam i really know how and it helped me for real.go to my youtube channel it’s called E430c where i have uploaded the video on how to fix it this tutorial is different than the others like reinstalling the game and all this crap,so please checkout my channel and don’t forget to subscribe please that really helps.
hey guys im having a sound problem on BF3 that is duplicated during the game and i have also having problem in directx so plz help cuz this proplm is also on need for speed the run the same proplem so what should i do
well im trying to play battelfield 3 on multiplayer and it is just lagging to fuk you cant even move it is just so stupid and really annoying?
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How do i find the file Battlefield 3 TM , were is it located ?
I can’t get the assignments to show up on BF3 for the ps3 let alone complete them. I have reinstalled after clearing out and starting over with the newest map pack but they still won’t work. Any smart people here with a suggestion?
I also got several issues whit bf 3 and especially whit origin.
After my hard complaining I got a ban.So I paid in full a game what works very bad since is publishing.
Italian support make loosing money to ea games becouse banning several players.
A bastard called fernando of italian support banning several customers so these will not buy further games from ea.
Fernando fuck off you and your facking family
I have several problems too:I bought bf 3 for pc and for x box 360;
There are differents issues but they are too much.
I have a long list of bugs,disconnection,black screens, sound crash and other.
I wanna be refunded from ea game but they will not.
So I complained hard for bugs and they banned me.
So I spent 60 euros + 65 euros for both platforms and I lost my money.
In future I will not buy no more ea games for me and friends.;
I forgotten: Also my friends have several issues.
Ea game I think you are the shame of software houses becouse to get money fast you sold out a beta and not a real game.
why cant i logg in on battlelog can some please help i have create a orgin acc whit bf3 on and a ea acc
Battlefield 3 for pc works very bad: origin is alwais disconected so the game fall down.
Black screens,crashes,white screens freeze,disconnections and more other.After 2 months is still full of bugs.
e@ game doesn’t fixing the problems.
Guys I need help!
When I press VIDEO in the OPTIONS menu, my game crashes.
“Battlefield 3 has stopped working”
Does anyone know a fix?
Thx in advance
I am really frustrated because the only problem that I’ve had so far (Battlefield 3 has stopped working) everyone tells me to get rid of the “tm” at the end of the folder and then do it in regedit. It hasn’t worked because there never was tm in the folder to begin with. Please help!
Please sign the petition to find an official fix !!
my mouse is not working when i m in fullscreen mode
i’ve tried every thing
i had the same problem my video card stop working on my dv6 pavillon playing Battlefeild 3 the problem was fixed i downloaded the latest version bios
and up dated my video card in device manager im running win 7 64 bit home premium
Your Battlefield 3 installation folder is missing a file called xinput9_1_0.dll. This gives you the error message “There is a problem with your game’s setup. Please reinstall the game.”. Now to fix this error you simply need to download xinput9_1_0.dll. Here’s how:
-Download xinput9_1_0.dll from here:
-Extract with WinRAR or a similiar program
-Place the xinput9_1_0.dll file you just downloaded into the folder where Battlefield 3 has been installed (Mine is in C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Battlefield 3)
This was what finally fixed it for me. Thanks to Grim_l2eeFer13 from for giving me this fix!
Here is the link to the forum post on on3 if you want it:
Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player ‘Me’ (for 0 minutes) … RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe driver failure (PnkBstrK.sys) ffab
plz help me
I,ve installed battlefield 3 on my pc when the installation is complete then i removed the the small tm on still not working help me guys
my game run perfectly but in mission 6 I am alone while i need do be some other gays.I dont not see them and i? dont pass further on the mission when other gay mast bash the door. But
the first mission run’s perfectly.What do to?
Battlefield just doesn’t straight up open, I click launch multiplayer, and nothing happens it says joining game and just stops
For those of you who are experiencing the ‘Battlefield 3′ has stopped working error ever since the last patch came out or even in general, here’s the fix, its only one command in the windows cmd
Windows 7/Windows Vista
* In Windows 7/Vista go to Start menu. Go to Accessories. Locate the command prompt shortcut and hover mouse over it. Right Click on the shortcut then select Run as Administrator.
* In the command prompt type this exactly:
bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2500
Then hit enter.
* Make sure you get a message back confirming the change was made. To verify the entry is there you can type just bcdedit, hit enter, and you should see the entry now listed.
* Then close the command prompt. You just told Vista to increase user virtual address (userva) space to 2500MB.
* Changes take effect on reboot.
Now reboot the PC because Windows needs to set the userva at 2500 which only happens after startup.
If you skip any step it will not work. When you have rebooted you should be good to go. Run the game as normal with the original game shortcut.
Open command prompt as administrator and type: bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva. That deletes the entry.
Reboot and you are back to normal.
Windows 7/Windows Vista* In Windows 7/Vista go to Start menu. Go to Accessories. Locate the command prompt shortcut and hover mouse over it. Right Click on the shortcut then select Run as Administrator.* In the command prompt type this exactly:
bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2500
Then hit enter.* Make sure you get a message back confirming the change was made. To verify the entry is there you can type just bcdedit, hit enter, and you should see the entry now listed.* Then close the command prompt. You just told Vista to increase user virtual address (userva) space to 2500MB.* Changes take effect on reboot.Now reboot the PC because Windows needs to set the userva at 2500 which only happens after startup.
If you skip any step it will not work. When you have rebooted you should be good to go. Run the game as normal with the original game shortcut.
TO UNDO THE CHANGESOpen command prompt as administrator and type: bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva. That deletes the entry.Reboot and you are back to normal.
Ive an Problem , When i am trying to download Battlefield 3 from origin it start Downloading and from 1%-2,5% my Pc Crashes and I’m Getting a BCOD (Blue Screen of Death) with Error ( 0x000007E ) Can some 1 help me please?
I have the DXGI.DLL error and i don’t have ATI Tray Tools so i don’t know what to do Please Help Me
To Philip, thanks a bunch man, your fix was easy to do and whats better actually worked for me and now I am back playing after a month away. Again thanks, I hope you don’t mind but I reposted over on the BF3 help forums your fix giving you the credit you deserve.
Um… I have BF3 in Xbox, and whenever I try to start this up (After the HD content thing) the screen on my TV is just plain black, with no little blue loading square in the bottom right corner. Need help.
Gamertag: MannOfTheeHourr
Online Connectivity Troubleshooting:-
UPnP – Router:
1. Log into your modem / router.
2. Turn OFF UPNP.
Turn off PC UPnP Service:
1. Press: Windows-button (the one between lAlt and lCtrl) + R, a window should pop up.
2. Write: “services.msc” (without the “) then press enter.
3. In the list of services, scroll down to “UPnP Device Host”, click it and press “Stop service”.
4. Now do the same thing but with the service “SSDP Discovery”.
5. Exit the window and go to control panel-> Network and Internet-> Network and Sharing Centre-> Change advanced sharing settings (to the left)-> Under “network discovery” select to turn off network discovery
ECN Packets has been enabled by a Net Speed Tool
To fix this :
1. open a CMD prompt AS ADMINISTRATOR
2. type “netsh”
3. type “int tcp set global ecncapability=disabled”
ECN packets are Refused by EA. These are FAKE packets to fool the connection.
-If you need help with making exceptions on your firewall(s). Consult the manufacturer.
-If you need help with portforwarding. Please visit
If you have problems or other issues portforwarding, contact your router manufacturer.
PC Ports:
TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 20000-20100, 22990, 17502, 42127
UDP: 3659, 14000-14016, 22990-23006, 25200-25300
When I want start the game appears this message:
You can’t launch the game from this software or device
Please check that you fulfil all of these requirements:
Yes Windows Vista or later
No Compatible 32-bit (not 64-bit) Web Browser
Yes An active PC soldier
How I fix it?
it keeps on saying that battlefield has stopped working even though i have done all of the things in crashes and then it goes into a blackscreen in which i have to click ctrl+alt+del and then cancell out of it
failed creating D3D of at latest version 10.0 on adapter ” inter(R) HD graphic” with unknown dirver error
in have direct x 11. i update my driver but it still not working
plz some body help me on this
i have a crash and when this is happening:
Directx function ”device-create buffer(gdxdesk;gresourcedata;gbuffer-m_buffer)”failed with E-out of memory:ran out of memory .cpu:”nvidia ge force gtx 460” ; virtual memory:39592kb/ resource memory :0kb.make sure you have a supported grafiches card with at least 512 mb
[e o seguinte toda vez que vai troca de mapa depois de algum tempo meu jogo trava no loading e fica e n’ao sai h[a solu;’ao para isso??
Im having problem with bf3.
My game gets minimized and crashed.
Sometime in 5-10 min,sometimes before and sometimes not but when map is changing i see black screen and my mouse and then get crashed to desktop.
Plz somebody help!
I updated my graphic card and driver.Repearied the game 3 times.
Dont know what to do. Lwt me know f you have some soultion for me thx .
Solution to run BF3
You have a folder called Original in the installed path. Open it and you will see reg files and bf3.exe file. Double click and run those files and bf3.exe as well. Error comes just ignore it. and try to run the BF3.exe from Battlefield folder. Now your game should run. If not then
Try the above steps two or three times. If doesnt run then restart machine and try running those reg files and then BF3.exe file from Battlefield folder. Now atleast it should run. If not then go to below path and do this
You will see new folder getting created in registry.
To check in registry . windows+run and type regedit. hkeylocalmachine->software->wow6432node\eagames or easports.
Just delete the Battlefield folder getting created after running the above steps. Now go and run the file . Game will run. Each time I do these steps and game will run without and interupt in middle.
If you have hands on with troubleshooting in PC then try above things repeatedly it will work. Sometimes restart machine and try it will work.
Hey,I have that problem.When I start BF3,a window pops up and it says”Battlefield 3TM Launching” and then nothing .Pls help if someone have any suggestions!
How do I fix this error?
‘Could not communicate with running game. Please make sure it was not launched outside of the web.’
It’s been annoying me since I upgraded to BF3 Premium. I could hardly finish a game with this error popping up.
Every time I go on to battlefield on my Xbox their is always a message that said it can’t load my guns or anything up. I Have kind of fixed that but when I want to go into my other disk(the one that I play campaign on) it comes up with the same message and then I am not able to play any of the missions I have completed. I have to start from the beginning each time. It is annoying because I liked the campaign missions but I can only play the first mission every time.
Thank you
Please could you reply to and
Im having a problem with BF3 when im playnig 5-10 minutes the PC just freez and i must reset it….someone help plzz.. my specs are—- CPU-Q6600.2,4 not ( O,C )—ATI Radeon. HD 4870–not (O,C ) RAM -DDR3 ocz hpc 1333 4 GB.. WIN 7 32 BIt …power ..chieftec 750 W… realtek audio manager…..and BF3 russian edition when this is importante…. sorry for my bad english
I have out of memory problem but i have 3.1GB Video RAM and 8GB RAM
I had this exact problem. but nothing I found on the internet helped. So finally I just uninstalled Battlefield 3, BF3 Web Plugin, and Origin, and reinstalled all on a separate hard drive. BAM problem fixed
my Errorwhen launching BF3: “Failed creating D3D device of at least version 10.0 on adapter “ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series” with driver “12.6 (8.98-120611a-142035C-ATI)”. Error is DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED (“Unsupported.”).”
started the catalystsetupmanager and removed the driver. After a reboot i installed the older version 12.4 and voila.
But what a dissapointment. After i was so happy that the game started i were kicked 3 secons later with the following message:
“Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player ‘Stepp777’ (for 0 minutes) … RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe ”
oh im stupid…the PunkBuster Service were deactivated
Hello. I am getting the following error, “BATTLEFIELD 3TM HAS STOPPED WORKING”. I’ve tried EVERY FIX KNOWN TO MAN.I’ve removed the TM from the registry and BF3 folder, COMPLETELY UNINSTALLED BF3 AND RE-INSTALLED IT, REPAIRED THE ORIGIN INSTALL, DISABLED FireWALLS AND ANTI-VIRUS, I meet System Requirements, DEP is disabled, I’ve updated my Drivers and re-installed them also, and I’ve re-installed the game on another Windows account… Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Hi, i am getting kicked from the battlefield 3 games and the reason is becasue ‘NO PACCKET FLOW” can someone helped me ?
i search for some fixing idea but they say i must turn the punkbuster allow option from the game options, BUT IN MY GAME OPTIONS THE IS NO PUNKBUSTER ALLOW can someone helped me out ?
Hi, I have problem, when i launch bf3 its stuck ant inistialize. plz help me!!!
Hi dears,i have a big problem plz help me plz,i installed bf3 and install crack and drivers but when i start bf3,game show(bf3 stoping working)and below show fault module name:atidxx32.dll)can you help me?plz my system detailrt is:
msi cx600
cpu: intel(r)core(tm)2 duo cpu 2.20 GHz
windows 7 32bit
what is my problem?can you help me plz?i,m wait for your answer
Most recent update problem:
Deleting the Battlefield 3 Folder in my documents worked for me, game is now launching. Origin first wanted me to do a repair and download 16GB!, after deleting the afformentioned folder, it was a quick 100MB download and done. I also unticked the cloud saves button in origin.
Also, if your game is crashing allot in multiplayer, make sure game graphics are set to medium, as I noticed it will crash every 5 minutes in multiplayer if you play on high graphics settings, your event viewer in controll panel will blame it on memory.
Seriously EA, don’t you test your updates first !?, and what the hell is up with these huge updates! You can also try communicating the above issues properly, as your online support clearly don’t know what they are doing.!/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654625041970555/
BF3 RUNS MUCH BETTER ON IE THEN ON OPERA when i changed to IE lags stoped and now i can play high med without problem earlier i had problems on low sets on opera
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: bf3.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4e9d3315
Fault Module Name: bf3.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4e9d3315
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0004638a
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 3073
Additional Information 1: 9b43
Additional Information 2: 9b431b0c90e83ec68d3d9c2ff7e024e8
Additional Information 3: feb7
Additional Information 4: feb7fc1b4ccfe33f19ad35c220a990e4
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If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
my game has installed properly but …..the problem is…..the audio is being heard twice..double impact!!!!! can anyone suggest a cure?????
Thanx Liquid snake…the trade mark logo fix works perfect by removing that symbols. thanx for helping
Hey Guys,
I have a problem, I just upgraded my puter and redownloaded BF3 premium. Origin and battle log load fine, but when I click on a multiplayer game or even campaign. The Game manager pops up telling me to update Browser plugin and Game, yet in game manager they are both up to date.
I hope someone can help me with this problem.
Major Fapper
I have a problem,When i open BF3 game ,the check release date error is show on screen and cannot resolve ,
Please help me