Today is Thursday, 13th March 2025

Daily Digest December 19, 2009



      The streets get merrier with the Christmas Truck

      Here is one idea to light up the roadways and spread a little Christmas cheer on the streets. Take one truck salesman from Iowa, add a pickup, 3000 cheap Christmas lights, a portable electric generator, plus a whole mess of black tape and you have what is dubbed The Christmas Truck.
      Kris Marshal came up with the idea for […]

      Appvent Calendar Day 19: Imp or Oaf?

      It’s the last weekend of the Appvent Calendar and today the free game on offer is called Imp or Oaf? developed by Gilded Skull Games
      At it’s core this is a guessing game with the two options obviously being imp or oaf. A series of pictures will be shown to the player zoomed in. You can […]

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