Today is Sunday, 16th March 2025

Author Archive

Funny Video: Rewind YouTube Style 2012


There have been a lot of big YouTube videos this year, and this video recaps some of them, as well as the people in them. Check it out and see how many you recognize!

Funny Video: Extreme Chess


This video made me lol a lot! Check out this extreme chess tournament. NO RULES!

Funny Video: Dragonball PeePee


Another Dragon Ball Z (DBS) spoof!

How to Fix: WordPress – Post Toolbar Missing OR Visual Tab Disabled


Upgrade to the latest version of WordPress (as of this post — WordPress 3.5) and notice that the post toolbar that contains buttons such as bolding, code, quotes, etc — is gone?

How about the Visual tab — is it disabled?

Unfortunately, this is what can happen on some websites that have upgraded to the most recent version of WordPress. You can fix it, however.

If you do NOT use the visual editor, then you can fix it by going to USER -> YOUR PROFILE — and then check “Disable the visual editor when writing” to disable the Visual tab. This will bring back the toolbar, oddly enough, but you will lose access to the “Visual” tab.

If you want to keep the visual tab and fix it, then first you should disable all plugins and see if the toolbar comes back. If it DOES, then enable all the plugins again and one-by-one you will need to disable each plugin until you figure out which one is causing the problem (one or MORE plugins may be incompatible with the recent update, thus causing the issue). This can fix the Visual tab if it is greyed / grayed out and not working, as well as the toolbar issue.

Hopefully this brief guide helped you to fix or troubleshoot your WordPress problem. It’s a strange bug / error, but fixable.

Funny Video: Real Life Fruit Ninja


The iPod / iPhone game come to life! With dubstep music!


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