Today is Thursday, 13th March 2025

Staff: DarkKnightH20


Hello peoplez. Welcome to my little personal page. If you want to know a little bit about me, then read below. If you don’t, then leave :(! Anyway, I started Geek Montage (also called GeekMontage) on August 2nd, 2009. I remember the day well — or night anyway since the creation was around 9:00pm. I was converting Joseph Smith to a Scientologist, when all of a sudden I had an urge to do something important. Feeling like a rebel, I decided to resist the urge and do something unimportant instead, which is why this website now exists.

To be honest, the only thing I *do* remember about that day is that I had been drinking blue and red Game Fuel (delicious but toxic to your stomach). Hopefully all of you enjoy the fruits vegetables of our labor!

Name: DarkKnightH20
Skills: I can do stuff.
Hobbes: Playing with the T-Virus, Crashing Parties with My Zombie Friends, causing mischief in Raccoon City, and eating STARS members.
My Posts: Here

1 Comment

  1. Comments  v.h.   |  Tuesday, 03 August 2010 at 3:10 PM

    u r a funny one dark knight, you shd. write for a career

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