Posts Tagged ‘Palm Pre’
Micro Review: Sprint Palm Pre
Last Updated on Saturday, 27 March 2010 10:56 Written by Foose Monday, 10 August 2009 11:37

So, after calling Sprint, telling them I’d like to end my contract, earning a $150 discount instead (i re-newed my 2 year contract last year in july), i bought the PALM PRE!! It is sexy. Flat out sexy. Sleek, sexy. I missed the deal from Best Buy when it was selling it for $99, but i bought it from radio shack at $200 (Price matched). I think Naota knows more about this phone than I do, sadly enough.. Tell them about it’s sexiness please.
From my experience….
Great interface
multi-point touch
has a flash for the camera
great speaker
2nd best to the iphone?
3.0 MP camera
fast internet
can view .pdf, .doc and excel
promotes Synergy!!
Non-visual voice mail
no touch screen keyboard
no video capture
Can’t set the text ring tone
also includes:
Battery screen, map screen, call screen, radar, ammo screen, health screen and many more
plus loads of extra features:
microphone, camera, nail file, scissors, scanner, fridge and sun bed!
(just kidding about the last two, its from a good ‘ol vid )
Tags: Palm Pre, Sprint | Posted under Phones | No Comments